The Six Core Values of CBC: 2. Authentically Spiritual – Rev Andrew Fitzgerald – John 4:19-24

“A time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24)

We focus our attention on the second core value of this church, which we identify from the church in Antioch as Authentically Spiritual. What does it mean to have authenticity? The Oxford English Dictionary says it is to be genuine or reliable. But biblical, spiritual authenticity is to have genuine faith that does not pretend or deceive but presents, both towards God and towards others, a real and active relationship with the true God of scripture. Jesus calls for authenticity in John 4:20-21. He declares that worship is not confined to a temple or tabernacle, to a geographical location or building, but offered through the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever this worship takes place, Jesus says it must be offered in the Spirit and in truth. We see this authentic, genuine worship and Christian faith in the church of Antioch as they flee persecution, talk about Jesus, have a hunger for God’s word and seek the Holy Spirit. So let us commit to this same value and excel in it for the glory of God.

Cyra Stedman shared the following after our service. She felt it was from God and for us all:
“Amazing grace, my chains fell off. Don’t forget what I did for you! In those early day’s. First love. Go back and remember. I am with you always.”